Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day ?/365

I took this with my cell phone out the back window of the pickup. 
What's that look I'm getting....hmmmm?


  1. Are you talking about the look from the hubby or the cows? I get that look from hubby then he just shakes his head. I keep telling him what a lucky guy that he has me. Someday I will get him to truly believe it. :D

  2. He is looking if you have been to the salon already ;-)

  3. The cows are smiling!! That is so cute! I guess it's dinner time.

  4. Same look I get from my hubby when I take 'another' photo of him. I smile when I see those of you folks who ranch/farm. My country boy thinks he is going to get this beach lovin' city girl to Texas and help him with ranching. He is a riot.
    blessings, jill


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